Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover
All of us judge others in some way or another. This can lead to so many problems on the emotional level of others. Also, people are judged in the judicial system. When evidence is not heard, it can lead to unfair and incorrect judgement. This also can lead to emotional issues.
All of this emotional turmoil can cause stress and unease in the person being judged and their families and loved ones. Part of the time, when people are judged, it can lead to very negative behavior and/or suicide. All of this anxiety from being judged could be avoided. People do not need to feel left out, not good enough, or hopeless.
Things would be much better if everyone could learn to not judge a book by its cover. Things are not always what they appear on the outside or by evidence. If everyone would look beyond the cover to the inside, they would possibly realize that people and situations are beautiful.
-- Cynthia Smith