Eternal Paradise
Welcome to a new and fresh version of the vampire. There are vampires capable of love, compassion, and kindness. They do not change or become ugly. Eternal Paradise introduced you to Keaka and his maker, Brianna. They find one another along the beautiful shores of Hawaii one balmy night under the stars. They patiently and consciously grow their relationship until at last Keaka intentionally chooses to make the change to the life of a vampire. Their lives together are happy and simple until an evil darkness from Brianna's past invades their lives. This is a story of love, commitment, determination, and resourcefulness. Keaka embraces his new life and develops extraordinary skills as a vampire to challenge and destroy these evil forces that have overrun their harmonious lives. He does so in a fast-paced, easy-to-read format all the while keeping you intrigued and entertained. Good reigns over evil even in the world of the undead. Enjoy the adventure.
-- Jack L. Roberts