Justice for Blake
D. J. Douglas, bail agent extraordinaire, along with her team of bounty hunters, receives a notice that one of her bail clients has jumped bail! A $150,000 bond which DJ will have to pay if she and her team don't find her.She and the team jumped into action and soon uncover a full-blown conspiracy to defraud the trusting public. The more information they dig up on the bail fugitive, the more serious they realize the case is...and the importance of apprehending her ASAP.The fugitive is a member of the Gang of Eight and leads them on a chase across the country. The bounty hunters utilize all their skills to skip trace the fugitive and her coconspirators. All they know is they must be stopped before more unsuspecting people become prey to their scams.An exciting adventure with lots of twists and turns. An intriguing adventure into the world of the criminal mind and behavior. Enjoy!
-- D.A. Bollen