Creating a Book Series: Planning & Preparing (A How-To Guide)

Jul 17, 2024 | Blog

Closeup of a stack of books at a local library

Embarking on the journey of creating a book series is an exciting endeavor, but it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure success. Whether you’re a seasoned author or a novice writer, this how-to guide will provide you with essential steps and tips to help you plan and prepare for the creation of your book series.

Define Your Concept: Before diving into the planning phase, take the time to define the concept of your book series. What is the central theme or idea that will tie your books together? Consider elements such as genre, setting, characters, and overarching plot. Brainstorm ideas and choose a concept that excites you and has the potential to captivate your audience.

Develop Your Characters: Compelling characters are the heart of any book series. Take the time to develop well-rounded characters with unique personalities, motivations, and backstories. Consider how your characters will evolve over the course of the series and how they will interact with each other. Create character profiles to keep track of important details and ensure consistency throughout the series.

Outline Your Series Arc: Once you have defined your concept and developed your characters, outline the overarching arc of your book series. Determine the main plot points, conflicts, and resolutions that will span across multiple books. Consider how each book will contribute to the larger narrative and build towards the series climax. Having a clear series arc will help you stay focused and maintain coherence throughout your writing process.

Plan Your Individual Books: With the series arc in mind, start planning the plot of each individual book in your series. Outline the main events, subplots, and character arcs for each book, ensuring that they contribute to the overall narrative while also offering satisfying standalone stories. Pay attention to pacing, character development, and thematic consistency as you plan each book.

Create a Series Bible: A series bible is a comprehensive reference guide that contains all the important details about your book series, including character bios, world-building elements, plot outlines, and any other relevant information. Creating a series bible will help you keep track of important details and maintain consistency throughout your writing process. Refer to your series bible regularly as you write to ensure continuity and coherence. This can be a resource for inspiration through vision boards, music options that empower your imagination, and much more.

Establish Your Writing Schedule: Writing a book series requires discipline and dedication, so it’s important to establish a writing schedule that works for you. Determine how much time you can dedicate to writing each day or week, and set realistic goals for yourself. Whether you prefer to write in short bursts or long sessions, consistency is key. Find a routine that allows you to make steady progress towards completing your series.

Revise and Refine: Once you have completed the first draft of each book in your series, it’s time to revise and refine your work. Take the time to reread your manuscripts, seeking feedback from beta readers or critique partners, and make any necessary revisions to improve clarity, pacing, and coherence. Don’t be afraid to make significant changes if they will strengthen your story. Remember, writing is a process, and revision is an essential part of that process.

Crafting a book series is an exhilarating adventure, ripe with challenges and triumphs. It demands meticulous groundwork and a steadfast commitment to your craft. With each stroke of the pen or tap of the keyboard, you weave intricate worlds, breathe life into characters, and orchestrate gripping narratives that captivate readers. As you embark on this odyssey, remember to cherish the journey itself—the moments of inspiration, the struggle to find the perfect phrase, the joy of witnessing your imagination take shape on the page. Stay resilient in the face of obstacles, remain faithful to your creative intuition, and revel in the magic of sculpting something truly extraordinary from the depths of your imagination.