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Pharmacy Soapbox

The Success of the TV program, Sixty Seconds, is due to the fact that “people have a story to tell...

Jeanne's Synopsis of Everyday Bulls**t

Jeanne Herrick is a self"aggrandized foxy lady with a prodigious interest in beauty—not of the mag...

Rose Tree Family

The Rosenbaum Legacy is about Louis and Rebecca Rosenbaum who crossed the Atlantic Ocean around 1860...

No Two Trees are the Same

Grace, a waif, is perplexed in the gallows of her jealous and abusive older sister, Clara. We journe...

Strait Jackets and Duct Tape

The story you are about to embark on is about the life of me, Shelly Allard. Each page is filled wit...

Man Made Storm

What went wrong with America when the man"made winds had blown?

This book tells the s...

Purple Angst

Purple Angst is a story about friendship and the many trials one can endure with your best friend. A...

The Story of the Return of God and the Arrival of Goddess

The time has come for humanity to triumph over sin. This triumph will come by one of two means: Eith...

Hell on Earth

Hell on Earth contains a cast of characters that fight for what they believe in, as well as a differ...

Shattering the Icons

Fidel Castro. Che Guevara. Cesar Chavez. Karl Marx. Mao Tse"tung…and others. All Icons of t...

The Human Blip

ve looked to the Bible, the Torah, the Koran and the Vedas, all searching for some kind of underlyin...

Early Exits

While serving in Vietnam Larry Braden finds himself in a horrific situation that offers him his only...