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As the Phoenix Rises

Childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse will often lead to the inability to cope with its la...

The Intangible Tangerine

Phil, the bear, wakes up from hibernation and finds no food in the forest. As he starts his search f...

Paper Love

The year was 1882, and it became the year of the most significant events in Giselle's life. She had ...

Sock Monkeys & Strung"Out Sluts

Sock Monkeys and Strung"Out Sluts was written for everyone who is tired of the copycat culture so pr...


Different Us!: Jr. High School!This book features four friends: Maliyah, Jacob, Sarah, and Samson wh...

Self "Transformation and Second Chances

Our lives are earthen vessels fragile but unbreakable due to our self"determination and steadfast fa...

The Soap Maker

Anton is a boy of twelve when World War II turns his life upside down. He discovers his first love a...


I Was Man's Trash, Now I'm in the King's Treasury, is about a woman writing to her daughter, Tee, wh...

All She Wants

This bizarre and captivating fictional novel will keep you on the edge of your seat anticipating<...

Franklin's Youngest Detective and The Search for the Town's Mayor

Lucy is Franklin s youngest detective and like all good detectives she is always ready for any b...

The Preacher Son

Lawrence Anthony Ray, a.k.a. L. A. Ray, is or was your average kid growing up in the South. His gran...

Weeds Beneath the Open Meadows

The only mode my thoughts run in, though, is rewind. Never fast"forward and certainly never stopp...