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The Resilient Couple

Challenging events occur in the lives of most couples, but when two therapists are confronted with w...

Secret Doors

Secret Doors is a love story about a young, devoted black couple, Ron and Sylvia Spencer, who become...

Where's Andrew?

Everyone was gathered waiting for Andrew to arrive. Only the seagull knows where Andrew is. Come re...

FML" My Year in Korea

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Korea, a place of wonder and mystery—no, I'm just kidding, but I...

From Normandy to the Hell of Ravensbruck Life and Escape from a Concentration Camp

These were the times and places where humans descended to a level lower than animals. Ravensbrück w...

Classic Short Stories

Riveting and provocative, these short stories are tales that take you through twist and turns. Sir J...

Silent Inflictions

Silent Inflictions is a true story of a mentally disabled child, Mariah. Diagnosed with PDD and othe...

From a Donkey to a Thoroughbred

Floyd Mitchell is a quiet, kind, focused, and driven leader that showed us all how to fly even with ...

Walk through the Bible with Me

I have heard many people say, "I read my Bible but I just don't get anything out of it." So, I decid...

Sooty, Me, and Daisy Makes Three

This book, Sooty, Me, and Daisy Makes Three, is about Ms. Bella finding a lost baby pig and bringing...

A Family Reunited

The story A Family Reunited is about the harsh life living in poverty through the eyes of a young bo...

The Domestic Guantanamo

The Domestic Guantanamo is the second in a series about America from veteran author Dick Fox. Follow...