Phebe and the Peas
Phebe and the Peas is the first in a series. The authors are from three different generations of Phebe’s siblings. Phebe grew up during the American Revolution, she and her siblings were present for many historic occasions. The Phebe and the Peas story has been told and retold in newspapers and magazines over the last 239 years. It has changed often in the retelling. Phebe was 10 years old in 1776.
Phebe the Spy is another book which grew from this tradition and many have enjoyed this book but when they go to learn more about Phebe, they are told she is fictional. This story places the dates and events with Phebe Fraunces who was real not fictional. C.R. Cole is a cousin to Hannah; the sibling who is not born yet when the Peas are poisoned. Breanna Dubbs and Ainsley Battles are descendants of Sammie, the infant at the time of the poisoning. All three have contributed to this work in a traditional effort to keep multiple generations involved in retelling of Phebe and the Peas.
-- CR Cole, Ainsley Battles, and Breanna Dubbs