ReBirthing Your Dreams
It is jubilee and it is time for God’s people to rise up and fulfill their end time destiny both corporately and individually. God is raising up a chosen people who will be marked by his name and prosper in the midst of the adversity of this world. There is a generation that has joined together with God in a covenant relationship where they will hear and act according to his direction. They have committed themselves to holiness and righteousness and have laid their lives before him for the fulfillment of his end time purpose. God is releasing a divine blessing that will usher in a continuous flow of his supernatural provision borne outside of our own abilities. God is ready to deliver his people who will receive his promises and act on it by faith. You were not created for a life of defeat and unfulfillment. Rather, you were created for a life of success where you will experience victory in every circumstance of your life. God is calling you to surrender all to him and allow the Holy Spirit to breathe new life into you to live again, dream again and arise with fresh spiritual energy and tenacity, as he challenges you to rebirth your dreams and allow yourself to be propelled into your God ordained destiny. My prayer is that God will release his anointing upon you and raise you up as a mighty warrior where you will experience total victory over the enemy in every area of your life.
-- Catherine Trim