The Adventures of Button
The Button story is of a self absorbed, lazy, everyday little kid without financial means, wading through life's difficulties to become a multi-millionaire in his forties. The story speaks to the enhancing value of failure as a driver of success.
Besides the story of Button, the book speaks to:
-Curing Phobias
-Curing Anxiety
-Man's Real Freedom, for only the last 600 years
-History and development of World Religions
-Moral Psychology of Political Parties
-A low risk Market Strategy to becoming a Millionaire
The awesome mental capacity that each of us has, becomes somewhat limited when we take on complex issues with only our thoughts. Interesting is tackling nagging complex issues that never really make sense. Sometimes it takes writing things down in the manner of an investigator to make puzzle pieces fit. Such is the nature of the appendix items, making sense of things that really don't make sense, like religion, politics, freedom, and oppression.
Life seems to come at us in a way we don't expect, in a way we are not completely prepared for. Sometimes letting ego go, living life as who one thinks they should be, is necessary to be able to work around difficulties and begin to live life as who one chooses to be. The conscious decision to never give up is fundamental.
-- Button Douglas