The Complete Publishing Solution

We take the work out of publishing your book.

Book to Big Screen 2024

With McDaniel Entertainment & Prairie Surf Media

Let the experts take the reins.

Page Publishing is a full-service publishing house.

We handle all the intricacies involved in publishing your book, getting it into distribution, and generating your royalties. We know that authors need to be free to create – not bogged down with complicated business issues like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, shipping, and the like. Leave these tedious, complex, and time-consuming issues to us, so you can focus on your passion – writing and creating.

Book Editing

Our editors will make sure your writing is up to the standards your audience deserves.

Book Design

Our artists will give your entire work a professional layout and can create illustrations.

Print & eBooks

Once your printed book is complete, we will convert the title into a digital publication.

Distribution & Marketing

We ensure that every order placed is fulfilled and tracked plus prepare press materials.

The cover of a book titled Otto: The Not-So-Little Giant written by David Mulholland.

Featured Author

David Mulholland, author of Otto: The Not-So-Little Giant

His book, Otto: The Not-So-Little Giant, is about a young giant that feels different and wants to fit in. Until one day, what makes him unique, helps save the day. David Mulholland was recently announced as the Literary Titan Book Award winner. Congratulations on the award; what an accomplishment!


Books Published


Let the experts take the reins

Helping writers publish their work since 2012.

Over the years, Page Publishing has helped thousands of people transition from mere writers to published authors. With around 15 thousand books published since 2012, Page Publishing has established a team of highly talented individuals. Our team consists of experts in various fields, including editors, artists, and marketing specialists, all working together to create a stress-free and easy publishing experience.