Page Publishing News


Leroy Bennett Hosts Successful Book Signing Event

A debut book signing for Leroy F. Bennett and his book, Welcome to the Hotel California, was held at the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Spartanburg, SC on May 5th, 2018. Congratulations, Leroy!

Lisa Brandenburg Hosts Book Signing at Middletown Public Library

Lisa Brandenburg, author of Run, recently hosted a book signing event at the Middletown Public Library on April 30, 2018. The attendance was 40+ and was a great success! Lisa can be found on Twitter (@LisaABrand) and Facebook at

Author Randy Eubanks Does Book Reading at Carolina East Hospital

Randy Eubanks, author of My Dad The Smartest 7th Grader on Earth, recently visited the Carolina East Hospital on Tuesday, April 17th. A nurse recorded Randy Eubanks reading to his father on Tuesday morning, April 17th at Carolina East Hospital. His daughter recorded...

Author Linda Hoffman to Make Several Upcoming Appearances!

 Linda Hoffman, Page Publishing author of The House at Mingo Pond and The Adventures of Eli and Jake has some very exciting events lined up in the near future! She will be hosting events at the following locations:Saturday, May 5, 2-4pm – Monroeville Mall Barnes and...