Writer Burnout: What it is and How to Avoid it

Writer Burnout: What it is and How to Avoid it

Writing is often described as a solitary journey, and it’s up to the writer to navigate things like motivation, momentum, and progress. But along the way, it’s not uncommon to hit rough patches—times when things slow down or stall all together. This is burnout and a...
What to Expect When Working with Page Publishing

What to Expect When Working with Page Publishing

Since 2012, Page Publishing has provided thousands of authors in all genres the tools and services they need to publish their books. We know the publishing process can be daunting, so we strive to make publishing your book as easy and stress-free as possible. Because...
What Is an ISBN and Why Do I Need One

What Is an ISBN and Why Do I Need One

You’ve seen these numbers before, whether on the back cover by the barcode or on the copyright page. But do you know what ISBN numbers really mean? And more importantly, why should you, as an author, care? Let’s take a close look at ISBN numbers and answer some of the...
What is copyright protection?

What is copyright protection?

Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States and extended to the authors of “original works of authorship”. While this applies to many forms of authorship (literary, dramatic, musical, photographic, etc.) it is only the protection...

What Is Print On Demand?

The advent of digital printing has revolutionized the publishing industry. This relatively new method of printing negates the previously labor-intensive process of typesetting traditional style presses. Now printing is much more streamlined, as the printer does not...