Your Vote Counts Featured on PBS!
Just in time for election season, Your Vote Counts! by Mary Therese Grabowski has been featured on PBS in video format. Check out the book and video here!
Just in time for election season, Your Vote Counts! by Mary Therese Grabowski has been featured on PBS in video format. Check out the book and video here!
Melissa Evon King, Page Publishing author of The Bee and Me, was selected as a finalist by Reader’s Favorite for their annual awards! Congratulations Melissa!
Page Publishing author, Jenny Martin dusted off a children’s book manuscript that she wrote in eighth grade and before she knew it, it was in print! Watch this great interview with Martin as she appears on Good Day Sacramento promoting her book Ruthie Raindrop’s Incredible Journey.
Click here to see the video.
Jenny Martin will also be hosting a book signing on August 13, 2016 at Barnes and Noble in Roseville, CA at 2pm.
Find out more about Christine and order her book on her website
Had a few recent book signings for some of our Page Publishing Authors! Hosted by A.G Morgan and Patricia Muth.
Page Publishing author, Craig Smith, will be at Worldcon in Kansas City next week promoting his book Journey into the Dark Realm.
The World Science Fiction Convention (“Worldcon” for short) is a big-tent science fiction and fantasy convention that spans the globe and is entirely run by volunteers. It has been in existence since 1939.
If you are in the area stop by and pick up a copy of Craig’s book!