"Elf on the Shelf" creators/authors featured on the Page Publishing Book Club

The authors and creators of the world-famous “Elf on the Shelf” book series were interviewed on the Page Publishing Book Club on WOR 710 Radio on Saturday evening November 30th. Click here to listen to the broadcast and learn how these persistent women managed to press ahead in the face of adversity after being rejected by every publisher they solicited, only to decide that they would “go it alone,” loot their life savings to invest in themselves, and self-publish their book. Six-million copies later, they joined Stephen Matthews of Page Publishing, along with host Alice Stockton-Rossini and discussed all facets of the publishing industry.

Authors Mark Hewitt and Guillermo Mendez achieve radio, print and television coverage in the same week!

Authors Mark Hewitt and Guillermo Mendez achieve radio, print and television coverage in the same week!

Page Publishing authors Mark Hewitt and Guillermo Mendez’s new book “Charles Manson Behind Bars” was featured in two-page spread in the Globe news magazine and the NY Daily News.  Better yet is the fact that Mr. Hewitt landed an interview on Fox Television where he was able to discuss the new book at great length. A few weeks prior to the Fox interview, Mr. Hewitt was interviewed on WOR 710 radio in New York. It seems that it was a good couple of weeks for these Page Publishing authors, with a radio interview, two major print write-ups, and a television interview all occurring one right after the other!

News anchor and author Humberto Gurmilan interviewed on WOR 710 Radio in NYC

Congratulations to Humberto Gurmilan, the author of “From My Chair” on his successful radio interview on WOR 710 Radio in New York City. As the anchor and producer of the sports news at Noticiero 33 in San Diego, Humberto is naturally quite comfortable in front of a camera (and microphone) and thus did very well in his interview with show host Alice Stockton-Rossini as he spoke of the recently published English version of his new book which was previously-published in Spanish .