eBooks vs. Print Books: Pros and Cons

eBooks vs. Print Books: Pros and Cons

Readers today have more options than ever when it comes to how they consume books. From eBooks to audiobooks and, of course, print books, people can consume stories in different ways that fit their lifestyles and preferences. While there’s no definitive “which one is...

Writer’s Guide Thank You

Thank You! Tips, tricks, and tools found in our writer’s guide: Tips for effective and productive writing Agony of writer’s block How to get the best out of yourself More tips for getting started The importance of writing a good hook The path to getting published How...
Going From an Idea to a Published Book

Going From an Idea to a Published Book

Make Your Idea Come to Life It can be overwhelming if you have an idea for a book but don’t know where to start. However, with some planning and organization, you can turn your vision into reality. The key is to take it one step at a time and be patient with...
Self-editing Your Book: A Guide for Authors

Self-editing Your Book: A Guide for Authors

The importance of editing your book Writing a book can be daunting; the real challenge begins when the writing is finished, and the editing process begins. Reviewing and editing your work is critical if you want your book to be clear, concise, and error-free. Editing...
Book Marketing Ideas For Authors

Book Marketing Ideas For Authors

The Definition of Marketing Marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses promotional activities designed to sell products. When it comes to books, marketing aims to reach readers and sell copies. It’s a mix of public relations, advertising, publicity, and other...